Dorian Karchmar

Dorian Karchmar

Dorian has been a Partner-agent at WME since 2005, focusing on literary and crossover fiction, and narrative nonfiction. She seeks material that feels both highly relevant and timeless, executed with a distinctive voice, structural mastery, and emotional depth. She collaborates closely with writers to build enduring careers. Some of the writers with whom she works are: Amor Towles; Tressie McMillan Cottom; the late Paul Kalanithi; Daniel James Brown; Beth Macy; Heather McGhee; and Jacqueline Woodson. Raised by refugee parents in New York City, Dorian holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction writing from the University of Iowa, and lives in upper Manhattan with her husband and two teenagers.

For fiction projects, please send your query and the first 10 pages of your manuscript. For nonfiction projects, please just send the query letter, no sample pages needed.